DJHS Gifted & Talented

Denver Justice HS is a diverse, creative, relationship-based school that aims to meet a wide array of student needs. Gifted students--both identified and unidentified--will be encouraged and challenged in their academics and social interactions at Justice. GT students and talent pool students alike will be allowed to work closely with GT staff in creating innovative, useful, and relevant learning experiences. Moreover, staff will be available to gifted students for large blocks of time in which projects and goals can be discussed and ideas developed. Denver Justice's teaching staff is trained to identify, develop, and draw-out gifted students as the staff receives ongoing training and development to be effective gifted student educators. This training includes the tools necessary to meet our goals in creating a more equal opportunity GT and talent pool program. At Denver Justice we are committed to the re-engagement and reinvigoration of in-person education for all students, including our GT and talent pool students through personalized programming.